Home Remodeling Blues



Oh my goodness!! I know this post is a day late, but it has been one of those weeks! Grady and I have been remodeling our new house and we are going through the final crunch before we move in. We have been painting, putting in floor, redoing cabinets, etc. The to-do list has been long for this week.

There have been times that I really struggled to look on the bright side. I want to share some of the lessons I learned through all of things we’ve done.

One day this week that Grady and I spent all day on our hands and knees putting in floor. My knees were hurting, my back was hurting and I was in a bad mood because I was so sore. By 4:30, we had about a quarter of the room left and I was ready to quit.

At that moment, I was upset, hurting and I let it show. I wasn’t acting myself and it came out as irritability and complaining. All I wanted to do was mope and feel sorry for myself. When I was in that mood, it was like going in one direction and I couldn’t make a turn to go the other direction. I snapped, I complained and I brought the mood down.

In all of this, Grady kept reminding me that we were almost done and that there wasn’t too much left and what a good job we had already done so far. With all of the encouragement from my loving husband, I got into a better mood. I started seeing things a little brighter and everything didn’t seem totally terrible. And after a while I was in a better mood and ready to take on another couple of hours of house work (hypothetically😉 )

This made me realize that a little word of encouragement can really help someone’s mood turn around. The power of a word is amazing. I experienced that first hand. There is only one thing you need to do, be open to the words of encouragement from other people and let them improve your mood. Once I opened my mind to the the things Grady was telling me, my attitude started to make a turn for the better.

This is just one of the lessons that I have learned this week. There are so many more it would take forever to write. But they help me be a better person. Thanks for listening.🙂

P.S. The picture above is of our house starting to look like a home

Hi, I’m Eva!

Blogger. Wife. Friend.

I like blush pink, apple pie and ice cream, and being with people I love. YOU!!

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