5 things to research when planning a trip



For a long time, I have wanted to travel and see amazing places like the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the beaches of Bali, and so many other places. Even though I haven’t been to these places yet, I have traveled a lot in the States and I have found a few things that I absolutely look into before going anywhere. I want to share them with you so they can maybe help you on your next family vacation.

  • What season do you want to travel in?
    • This is a good thing to think about early on because it determines a lot of things. Events, weather, crowds, etc. Knowing the season you want to travel in will determine a lot of your planning.
  • What weather should you expect?
    • This goes hand in hand with what season you are traveling in. For example, in Florida, June through November is hurricane season, so you have to expect lots of rain. Of course there are exceptions and you may not see a cloud in the sky through those months, but you do want to know what to expect when it comes to weather.
  • How am I getting there?
    • Other than how long you want to be gone, which you probably know by now, is the detail that helps you plan how much to pack, how long of your trip will be taken up by traveling, etc. Are you flying? Driving? Will it take you 2 hours to get there or 6? Should you pack a lunch?
  • Are there any events going on?
    • Something I like to see when I am going to travel somewhere are any events that may be going on in the area I am going to. Sometimes I like going places just to relax, but most of the time, I like exploring and experiencing different events. Fairs, Festivals, and even special places that are open around the time I am going like orchards. It makes my trip a little more interesting if I am feeling adventurous.
  • Ask a local
    • This is something that if I can, I try to do. You may not always be able to ask a local about the ins and outs of where you are planning on going, but you might find someone you know that has been there already. These people can give you inside information that you can’t get off of Google. You can experience things that only the locals would know and these places are hidden gems.

These of course are not the only things you can look at and research before planning your next family vacation, but they are some things that I have found helpful when planning a trip. I hope some of these things are helpful for you and that you can have an amazing adventure in the future!

Hi, I’m Eva!

Blogger. Wife. Friend.

I like blush pink, apple pie and ice cream, and being with people I love. YOU!!

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