Flu Prevention



Flu season!! Something we have been dealing with for several months already, but did you know that the effects of flu season can last all the way to May? Getting sick is no fun, especially when you have a lot to do or there are people you want to see.

Did you know that sometimes you can prevent a flu? We don’t have to wait until we actually have the flu to do something about it. Have you heard the saying that prevention is worth a pound of cure? Well, there are ways of preventing yourself and your family from catching the flu or any other type of cold. Here are a few tricks that I have tried and have helped me.

  1. No Sugar – The first thing you can do is stay away from sugar. Sugar lowers your immune system and causes your white blood cells to weaken. This causes them to not be able to fight off viruses and bacteria that are attacking your body.
  2. Socks On – The second thing you can do to avoid catching a cold is keeping your extremities (arms and legs), especially your feet warm. Put your favorite hoodie and fuzzy socks on. This will keep the heat from escaping your body.
  3. Eat Garlic – The third thing you can do is eat LOTS of garlic in any form you can. Garlic is a wonderful anti-bacterial and anti-everything else bad you can think of. Eating garlic helps increase your immune system and fight off illness. Note: If you’re worried about garlic breath there is a fix for that. Chew on some parsley or mint leaves. These are known to help with garlic breath
  4. Do a Contrast Shower – Last but not least, you can take a contrast shower. If you are wondering what that is, it is a hot and cold shower. This is a great way to boost your immune system and prevent colds, even help if you already have it. What you do is start a shower with 3 minutes of hot water. Try to get it as hot as you can stand it. You can even set a timer to help keep track of the 3 minutes. Once the timer is up, turn the water cold, as cold as you can take it, and stay there for 30 seconds. Do this hot and cold rotation 3 times ending with cold water. After you get out of the shower, dress warm and put some socks on.

All of these things are just the start and you don’t only have to use them during flu season, they can help prevent sickness any time of year. If you have any questions, shoot me a DM @evastwocents.

Hi, I’m Eva!

Blogger. Wife. Friend.

I like blush pink, apple pie and ice cream, and being with people I love. YOU!!

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