Single for Valentine’s Day??



Notice: If you are single, this post is definitely for you. If you aren’t you can read it too!πŸ˜‰

Valentine’s Day is coming up! Some of you might be happy and excited to spend it with that special someone, others of you might be thinking, “not again”, “hide me!” or “YUCK!!” If you are one of these people, I hope this post helps you. I realize that Valentine’s Day is a hard time if you don’t have someone special to share it with. But, did you know that you don’t have to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to celebrate Valentine’s Day? I have some ideas that I want to share with you that may help this holiday be a little more fun for you.

  1. Family Valentines
    • If you don’t have a special someone, pick someone or everyone from your family and do something for them that you would do with a romantic partner. If you have a sister, take her on a date. Or ask your dad to go for a nice walk. I’m sure they will love it!
  2. Find puppies
    • I know the idea of puppy love is something that people usually see as that first love you feel when you meet a special person, but I like to take it literally. Find a dog from a friend or family member and ask them if you can babysit. Dogs are the best in my opinion to spend a nice evening cuddling on the couch watching a movie. If you don’t like dogs or cats, refer back to idea number 1 and just watch a movie with them.
  3. Become a third wheel
    • I know this may seem like asking for torture, and you might be right. But if it is something you can get behind, you can sit at a separate table and get free food if you play your cards right.πŸ˜‰
  4. Find other single friends
    • I can guarantee that you aren’t the only one that doesn’t have plans for Valentine’s Day. See if some of your friends want to hang out and do something together. Like bowling or going for some tacos.πŸ˜„

I know that this list isn’t exhausted, there are other things you could do for Valentine’s Day that would be fun while you are single, but these are some ideas that I used when I didn’t have a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day.

Hi, I’m Eva!

Blogger. Wife. Friend.

I like blush pink, apple pie and ice cream, and being with people I love. YOU!!

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